Sunday 20 May 2012

Soon going to be filming our music video!!!! Check back in a while to see what song we're doing :) HINT: 1D  ;)
Going to be filming with the lovely Kianne and Taylor, check out their blogs below :)

Sunday 15 April 2012

Movie Review: Cast Away

How would you feel being stranded on an desert island in the Pacific with no other inhabitants and the chances of survival being close to none? Doesn't seem like a picnic to me either. However Chuck Noland, played by the amazing Tom Hanks,  didn't choose to get stranded, have his plane crash, or have his entirelife thrown away. Watch Cast Away to see what unfolds as Chuck struggles against the odds to survive.

Cast Away is rated PG-13 for intense action sequences and disturbing images. There is also a slight amount of nudity and a small amount of profanity. There are also small amounts of violence and gore. For these reasons, I believe that this film should be reserved for more mature and older audiences.

The actors in this film were phenomenal! Tom Hanks portrayed a very realistic Chuck Noland. The beautiful Helen Hunt who played Chuck's long time girlfriend Kelly Frears, was also really good at convincing the audience that she was really Kelly. All of the actors and actresses in this movie were very realistic.

Cast Away is very adventurous and dramatic. I would definitely recommend this movie to others because of the amazing story line and surprisingly real acting.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Odd Job: Barbie Dress Designer

Do you love to design? Do you love fashion? Do you know of someone who loves/ did love Barbies?
I know i sure did! :) As a child, Barbies were one of my favourite toys. I loved to dress them up, style their hair, and occasionally cut/colour their hair. :P But one of my  favourite things about Barbie, was her extensive wardrobe. This is all thanks to Barbie Dress Designers. They work at Mattel Toys(the company that produces Barbie) to produce numerous outfits for Barbie, and the rest of her friends. This is the perfect job if you love fashion, love toys, and you want to make money designing outfits for ridiculously skinny plastic dolls. It is estimated that Barbie Dress designers make on average $68000 a year! That's pretty decent for making miniature clothing designs. I think being a Barbie Dress Designer would be super duper fun! :)

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Kony 2012

You can help! If Hitler and Osama bin Laden were both stopped, Kony can be stopped too.

Friday 10 February 2012

Nail Art!!!!!!!! :)

Watermarbling is super fun!!!Best thing is is that you can choose whatever colours you want! Just make sure you stay away from sparkly and quick dry nail polishes.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Admiration: Michael Jordan

Micheal Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. Shortly after he moved to Wilmington, North Carolina. He loved baseball and basketball. His sophomore year he decided to try out for the varsity team but got cut because he was to small. He grew 4 inches over the summer and practiced constantly in hopes of making the team. He accomplished much more than high school basketball! Michael was very talented. He went on o University and eventually the NBA!

     To me, Michael Jordan is one of the most admirable athletes of all time. His sophomore year he tried out and got cut. That didn't stop him. He grew and practiced, and practiced and grew. He then went on to College and NBA teams. If that's not enough he went on to make millions of dollars off of endorsement deals. He has endorsed Nike, Gatorade, 2K Sports, Hanes, Upper Deck, and Five Star Fragrances. It is estimated that in 2011 Michael made approximately $60 million just on endorsements! Even though he has been retired for 8 years, he still is managing to make millions of dollars. Being able to do something that you love and getting paid for it? Sounds pretty good to me. These are just some of the reasons that I admire Michael Jordan.

Monday 30 January 2012

Dream Destination: Rio de Janeiro

To travel to Rio de Janeiro Brazil on June 25th and to come back on August 25th my flight would cost approximately $1622.00. The flight itself would take 25 hours and 54 minutes (with 2 stops along the way).

Why Do I Want to Go?

            For the past four years going to Brazil has been a dream of mine, and what better place to start with than Rio de Janeiro! With the beautiful beaches, warm weather, soccer, and great food, I think that Rio de Janeiro would be the perfect dream vacation. There are also many shopping centers and stores, such as the NK store featuring my all-time favourite designer Stella McCartney! Going to Brazil would be one of the major highlights of my life and a dream come true!

Tourism!!!! <3

Hiking through the Amazon Rainforrest would be super B-E-A-U-tiful!I think that it would be an amazing place to go. It would also have great scenery perfect for taking pictures!

Copacabana Beach is tropical weather lover's dream! The water, the sand, and even shops nearby. Who wouldn't want to visit this dream destination?

Surfing at Prainha? Count me in! Surfing seems like so much fun and what a better lace to try than in beautiful Brazil!

Brazil National Anthem

Interesting Facts About Brazil:
1. There is 7491 km of coastline
2. About 75% of Brazilians are Roman Catholic
3. Brazil has the most species of monkeys
4. Has the largest rainforrest in the world
5. Home to Christ the Redeemer statue

Thursday 12 January 2012

Fun 4 Free/Cheap

Free Ways to have Fun
  1. Workout
  2. Hang out at the Library(read a book)
  3. Use library computers to check email, facebook, myspace, etc.
  4. Go sledding
  5. Go swimming
  6. Build a snowman
  7. Have a conversation with an imaginary friend
  8. Go window shopping
  9. Go berrypicking
  10. Ride an escalator over and over and over
  11. Climb a random tree
  12. Ride the bus all day
  13. Go to church
  14. Make a new friend
  15. Make a macaroni necklace for your new friend.
  16. Smile creepily at people and watch their reaction ;B
  17. Wave at random people
  18. Talk in a different accent to each person you see
  19. Go to the mall and act like an escaped mental patient
  20. Create a bogus survey, hand them out, and see how may you actually get back.
  21. Go into a large crowd and ask it "Has anyone seen my pet (insert venomous animal here)?"
  22. Carry a doll around and pretend it is a real child
  23. Make a fire...
  24. Start doing the macarena in the middle of the food court
  25. Crab walk down the side walk
  26. Make a new language
  27. carve a piece of wood
  28. Go into a store then sing "I'm in a store and I'm singing!" (from Elf)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

The photo featured above is a photo of me wearing leopard print eyeshadow. It was so fun to put on and definitely worth the time it took. I love trying out new ways of wearing makeup and experiencing with different colours. It is almost as though a face is a blank canvas awaiting new ideas!
I want a pair of red converse so badly! i love the look of classic sneakers and they are so comfortable. Hopefully I will buy a pair soon! If I had converse, I would wear them with everything. I would wear them with dresses, skirts, shorts, jeans, basically anything! I am absolutely in love with these shoes!
No this is not a photo of my eye, but i did find it on google. The eye is edited to look like the Brazilian flag. I love Brazil and I hope to travel there someday. The words in the middle are Ordem e Progresso, which means Order and Progress in Portuguese (Brazil's National Language). I <3 BRAZIL!

This is my absolute favourite song ever. I decided to share it with you guys because it has a really good beat and I absolutely love Skillet! For those of you who like screamo music I would definitely recommend Skillet and another sweet band called Flyleaf! Check them out sometime, I know I was impressed! :)

This is an amazing tutorial video on how to do Leopard print eyes. I have tried it and it works so well! This is a great look for fun events such as concerts, parties, etc. Because orange/gold colours are opposite off blue on the colour wheel, it accentuates blue eyes very well. For more cool makeup tutorials check out  Stay tuned for more fun videos :)

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Making a post...

By creating this post I just completed one quarter of the assignment thingie...

Tuesday 3 January 2012

First Blog Entry

Hey! :) This is my first blog ever! Keep following for fun videos, pics, and more! :)